Services at All Hallows Tillington
Sunday 6th October
Bacon Butties and Coffee from 9.45am
Service starts 10.15
Jesus the "Living Water" asks
Is anyone Thirsty?
Thoughts, stories, prayers and exploring the world's need for clean water, and the ways we can help
and our own need for the water of Life that Jesus offers.
Crafts, songs, readings and much more!
Sunday 13th October at 9.30am
Parish Communion
Common Worship service
Coffee, biscuits and friendly conversation with a warm welcome afterwards
Sunday 20th October at 9.30am
Holy Communion
Book of Common Prayer
Followed by a warm welcome and coffee
Sunday 27th October at 9.30am
Morning Prayer and Praise
A more informal service
please join us and stay on for Coffee and a warm welcome
Weddings, Baptisms and Funerals: Contact Rev'd David Crook
01798 865 473
Annie Sneller ( Lay Reader) 01798 342 507
Normal patterns of Services.
First Sunday of the Month
Join us for Coffee and Bacon Butties, Brioches and doughnuts, before we start the informal All Age service at 10.15am
which can include crafts, puppets, drama and stories...and a time to reflect. Wriggling children of all ages welcome! Very relaxed.
Second Sunday
9.30am Parish Communion Common Worship
Third Sunday
9.30am Holy Communion. BCP (Book of Common Prayer)
Fourth Sunday
9.30am Prayer and Praise Morning Service
Every Other Wednesday. 10 am 1st and 3rd Wednesdays.
Said Holy Communion BCP
The Wednesday Communion services are held on 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month at 10am.
Every Friday
8am Informal prayer for the church and community on Zoom
ask Annie Sneller for a link if you want to join in
5.30pm Mens' and Womens' groups - exploring ideas and our faith together over tea and cake!
The Old Rectory, Tillington.
If you would like to join us and see how it works please call Ian or Shelley Fergusson on 01798 345150
Weddings, Baptisms and Funerals: Contact Rev'd David Crook 01798 865 473
email: [email protected]